Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Where" are we going?

In 2012 Tiff and I felt the call of God to plant a church.  I felt incapable, unqualified, and wasn't sure what this church would look like, how it would operate, or how it would ever work out.  Let's be real, I was in my mid-twenties, I had no seminary degree or other lead pastor experience, no financial backing from any denomination or organization, little to no funds available, and my favorite hobby involved making comedic mini movies while wearing a mullet and short shorts. (If you have not seen any of our announcement vids this just got awkward.)  But, I did know that God had gripped my heart for His people and He called me to the daunting task of leading them.  So in May of 2012 we launched Vertical Church in faith.

From the beginning, I knew this ministry had to be centered and focused on Christ because ultimately I had nothing of value, nor does anyone, to really offer but Jesus.  What I didn't know was what that exactly looked like played out in how we would function as a ministry.  I kind of felt like Abraham when God spoke to him and said, "go to the land I will show you."  I knew I was supposed to go but I wasn't sure where or how.  In that process of waiting and seeking to discover "where," I found myself putting more value and stake in what I thought a successful church looked like more than what God said the church should look like.  I was pressured into American church culture thinking that better programs, cutting edge facilities, gifted staff and speakers, cooler lights and a talented band was key to church success and growth.  In the eyes of many we were being somewhat successful in that we were growing in attendance...but, the harsh reality is that I was doing everything to gather people "to church" but doing little to prepare them to "be the church."  My intentions were pure but my methods more rooted in religious activity than spiritual productivity.  My heart continually burned for the church, the lost, and the hurting but in the midst of the noise of what I thought I was supposed to do, I couldn't hear what God was calling me to do. 

It wasn't until I was willing to completely abandon everything: my desires, my dreams, my wants and ideas of what I thought church was, did God really begin to show me the "where."  The reality is God could care less about how creative and well-orated my sermons are, our programs, where we meet, our marketing strategies, church activities, or our vertical T-shirts (which are totally sexy)...this stuff is all great, but what God cares about is are we making disciples? Are we doing the best we can with the grace and resources given us to do so? Or have we limited how we measure success by what happens within our services rather than what happens outside them?  Are we truly helping the poor, outcast, and those without a voice?  Are we being Jesus to a city, culture, and our nation that needs the love of Christ more than another organization and entertaining service?  Are WE being the church!? And if that was His purpose for THE church it should be the main purpose of OUR church.  Even if it means sacrificing "good things" for the sake of better things to bring Him glory.  A church obsessed with fulfilling His purpose and bringing Christ glory is a successful church and will bear fruit of their labor.

In 2012 we launched A church; in 2013 we strive to BE the church.  We are going to place value in what Christ said in His word more than what culture, other churches, and society says.  We are going to be less concerned about how many people we can get to show up to a service, sign a card, check a box, or pray a prayer but rather concerned with raising up disciples and leaders who can help impact this generation.  We are going to allocate our resources to better take care of those who can't take care of themselves.  We are going to be salt and light in the darkness.  We will build lasting friendships and establish a greater sense of authentic community and unity in our church.  We will pray for the lost, the hurting, and one another.  We will love unconditionally, recklessly, and tangibly.  We will proclaim the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ with boldness and will not compromise the truth.  We will saturate ourselves in the goodness of His grace and surrender everything we do to His purpose and plan.  We will BE the church.

I cannot promise you this will be the most comfortable, convenient, or easy task, but I can assure you it is worth it.  We will not be perfect and I by no means have all the answers.   God never asked us to have all the answers but rather to trust and obey.  I believe the plan of God is found when the people of God live in radical obedience to the purpose of God.

"Where" are we going?  It really has little to do with a location, religious success, or achieving our humanistic goals.  Our "where" is about "being."  And if we can empower and prepare God's people to BE then the world might be able to SEE the Jesus in us and we might impact this world the way God intended us to do.

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